An Below Average Film, that could have been better as a web series

One thing you should know about me, well, not "should" but if you have decided to read this review, then you might as well know about me is that, I love well made gangster flicks. if i have to borrow a line from one of my favorite movie of all time and modify it for this context it would sound like this 

"Ever since i remember, i have always wanted to make a Gangster film" 

A Gangster Cop drama is a close second, maybe 3rd ... anyway, doesn't matter. The point is that when i heard that "Class of 83 - The Punishers of Mumbai Police" is going to be made into a movie called " The Class of 83" . I was excited, so much so that even the news of "Bobby Deol" playing the lead role in it didn't quash my spirit. 

As some of you already know The "Class of 83 - Punishers of Mumbai Police is one of the many brilliant novels  by celebrated author Hussian Zaidi. 

Nobody writes Indian crime like he does, Zaidi during his earlier years was regarded as one of mumbai's top crime reporter. I am talking the bad 'ol days of mumbai when the underworld ruled every inch. No one knew Mumbai, its underworld like he did. Zaidi's books have inspired many a films 

Dongri to Dubai was made by Sanjay Gupta into Shootout at Wadala, Mumbai Avengers was made by Kabir Khan into Phantom and Black Friday which

was adapted by Anurag Kashyap still considered as his best work till date.

With a a pedigree like that you know that the material you have in hand is solid, authentic and hard-hitting. Given the right direction it could very well make for an entertaining watch. 

"Given the right direction" - being the operative phrase. 

The Class of 83 is a story about a honest officer, who on a punishment posting as a dean in Nashik;s police training academy, spots and grooms 5 back benchers to take on the system and the underworld. 

My Review of "The CLASS OF 83" on youtube...

Now, it seemed to me that director Atul Sabrawal was set out to make a 10 episode web series, but then due to studio/budget pressures had to settle for making a movie instead. I say this because the movie oscillates from detailed indulgence in some parts to vague abstention in other.

Enough time is spent - setting up the premise, the training, building camaraderie etc. but once this bunch claim their first victim in a nicely scripted and executed encounter, the movie hastens running thru events relying heavily on voice over to tell the viewers what happened, how time has passed. The return of Dean Vijay too is simplistic and the climax feels hurried as well.

On second thoughts this could have been better off as a web series, something like Atul's previous work Powder, where he and his creative team could have had a chance to flesh out so many aspects of storytelling, the characters, their backstories, heck they could at least have worked on creating a formidable villian.

The movie works as a period drama, the attention to detail is evident in the way the film is shot, the cinematography, the costumes, the background score by GUPT famous Viju Shah are all on point. Even the film posters and ads on Buses are spot on, if that wasn't enough the songs characters humm are also period specific.. but as much as you admire the hard work, none of these are enough for you to be sucked into story.

the performances by newbies Jadawat, Bhojraj and Paranjape are formidable. They look ready for the big league and walk away with full marks here.

so does bobby deol who is the surprise package. He delivers a restraint performance and holds the moral center of the film like a rock. 

But as i always say - a movie has to be greater than the sum of its parts. it can't merely exists as Bobby deols comeback vechile or newcomers acting showpiece or even a cinematographic masterpeice. it has to be bigger and better. The story of cops twisting the law inorder to serve justice isn't a new, but having loved all of Atul's previous work "Powder" / Aurangzeb / My Wife;s murder. i was expecting something much more dense and much more intense. 

All in All - Class of 83 is a decent watch for the way its shot & its performances. It could have been better, a whole lot better.

So on the binge meter this will come in as Average.

You can catch this one on NETFLIX. 


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